Literary Translation or Editing
A. FICTION (Jump to Nonfiction)
Books in reverse order of completion
 52. Detective novel Coming Summer 2025
 51. Travel Romcom Coming Spring 2025
 50. Children's Story February 2025
 49. Detective Fiction January 2025
 48. Business Thriller December 2024
 47. Business Thriller December 2024
|  46. Business Thriller December 2024
 45. Children's Story November 2024
 44. Children's Story November 2024
 43. Adventure Novel October 2024
 42. Novella July 2024
 41. Historical Romance July 2024
 40. Children's Story July 2024
 39. Children's Story June 2024
 38. Children's Story May 2024
 37. Travel Romcom March 2024
 36. Historical Romance November 2023
 35. Children's Story October 2023
 34. Children's Story September 2023
 33. Children's Story September 2023
 32. Children's Story September 2023
 31. YA Detective August 2023
 30. Children's Book June 2023
 29. Covid Thriller June 2023
 28. YA Saga Vol. 2 June 2023
 27. YA Saga Vol. 1 June 2023
 26. YA Sci Fi March 2023
 25. Children's Book March 2023
 24. Children's Book February 2023
 23. Children's Book February 2023

22. Thriller November 2022

21. Children's Book November 2022

20. Children's Book September 2022

19. Thriller July 2022

18. Children's Book April 2022***** |

17. YA Horror February 2022

16. Covid Thriller January 2022

15. Children's Book December 2021

14. Children's Book November 2021

13. Chick Lit October 2021**** |

12. Children's Book October 2021 |

11. Children's Book September 2021 |

10. Children's Book September 2021** |

9. Science Fiction July 2021 |

8. Chick Lit July 2021***** |

7. Children's Book June 2021*** |

6. Children's Book May 2021* |

5. Science Fiction Apr. 2021 |

4. Travel Fiction Jan. 2021 |

3. Short Story Dec. 2020 |

2. Romance Novel Dec. 2020 |

1. Short Story Oct. 2020 |
Find me on Amazon
Of the above listed books:
* Most copies sold since 2021
** Second most copies sold since 2021
*** Third most copies sold since 2021
**** Fourth most copies sold since 2021
***** Tied for fifth most copies sold since 2021
Are you looking for an experienced translator to translate your book from French to English or from Spanish to English? If so, I can help.
Types of book subjects I enjoy translating the most:
- Fictional mysteries/thrillers
- Travel and travel fiction
- Romantic fiction
- Children's books
- Short stories
To contact me about your project, please write me at my e-mail address.
Cherchez-vous une traductrice expérimentée pour traduire votre livre du français vers l'anglais ? Je peux vous aider !
Sujets de livres que je préfère traduire :
- Mystères/thrillers de fiction
- Romans de voyages
- Romans d'amour
- Littérature pour enfants
- Nouvelles
Si vous avez un projet que vous aimeriez m'offrir, veuillez m'écrire à mon adresse courriel.
¿Busca Usted una traductora experimentada para traducir su libro del español al inglés? ¡Puedo ayudarle!
Sujetos de libros que más me interesan:
- Misterios/thrillers ficticios
- Viajes
- Novelas de amor
- Literatura infantil
- Cuentos
Si Ud. tiene un proyecto que le gustaría ofrecerme, favor de contactarme a mi dirección email.
Publications as Translator, Editor, Proofreader, Compiler, Photographer, etc.
Author and Reader Remarks
E-book and Paperback
Children's Story: Detective Lucy
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: February 2025
Author: A.P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667483832
Language: English
Words: 3,490
Location: N/A. |
Detective Lucy by A.P. Hernández is a children's book for boys and girls aged 6 and up. Valentina, Lucy's best friend, is very worried. Her cat's missing. Lucy doesn't think twice. She grabs her detective kit and gets ready for an adventure. Will they be able to solve this mystery together?
What's inside?
- A fun and exciting plot that encourages reading.
- A simple narrative, perfect for first-time readers.
- Relatable characters and everyday situations children can easily identify with, making reading more meaningful.
- A story with numerous illustrations, perfect for reading with the family.
A story that:
- Encourages critical thinking as children follow clues with Lucy, improving their ability to solve problems.
- Develops empathy because helping Valentina find her cat teaches the value of friendship and collaboration.
- Stimulates curiosity. Throughout the investigation, children learn to ask questions and find answers.
- Develops social skills. Teamwork and collaboration are key in solving the mystery.

“Angela es una profesional excepcional en la traducción del español al inglés. Su trabajo destaca por su precisión, fluidez y sensibilidad para captar los matices del texto original. No solo traslada las palabras, sino también el estilo, el tono y la esencia de la obra, logrando así que la lectura en inglés sea tan natural como en su idioma original.”
“Angela is an exceptional professional when it comes to translating from Spanish to English. Her work stands out for its accuracy and flow, as well as its sensitivity to capturing the nuances of the original text. She translates not only the words, but also the style, the tone, and the essence of the text, thereby achieving the ultimate goal: the book reads as naturally in English as it does in its original language.” |
E-book and Paperback
Detective Fiction: An Unfortunate Death
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: January 15, 2025
Author: Gunnar Lindberg
ISBN: 9781667483207
Language: English
Words: 14,141
Location: Stockholm, Norrmalm, Hallstavik, Norrtälje, Norra Uppsalavägen. |
An Unfortunate Death by Gunnar Lindberg is the third book in the series featuring Detective Inspector Stig Alm in the 1990s. A woman arrives at the police station requesting help. Her five-year-old daughter has had a dream in which their Greek nanny is begging to be buried in a cemetery. Is the nanny, who disappeared without a trace four years earlier, a murder victim? Stig Alm would rather not find out, but eventually he's obliged to go on a ghost hunt.
N.B.: I should explain here that I did not translate this short story from Swedish, despite what the frontispiece of the published book says. Instead, I edited the author's AI English translation from Swedish. This makes it an editing project for me rather than a translation project. My Swedish learning consists of one year at university back in the early 1980s so is in no way fluent!
| |

“Thanks for your excellent help ... for the great translation [and] for the excellent cooperation and result.” |
Business Thriller: Hook
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: December 24, 2024
Author: Stéphane Simard
ISBN: 9781667482569
Language: English
Words: 29,374
Location: Montreal, Sept-Îles, Saint-Esprit, and more. |
Hook by Stéphane Simard is the final novel in his thriller trilogy.
Ever dreamed of starting a business? According to statistics, 24% of people want to, but at what cost? Hook is a thriller inspired by the author's entrepreneurial journey, which includes twenty-five years of experience in the business world. Eugène Savoie has earned a spot in the top thirty entrepreneurs under thirty list, but his fairy tale is turning into a nightmare. Many envy the phenomenal success of his start-up, featuring a wristband that enables users to increase their concentration and productivity. However, a series of unexplained deaths suddenly plunges the company into the heart of a police investigation involving the Dark Souls motorcycle gang, and the young founder must find the courage to regain control of his life and his business, while making peace with his past.

“Du travail impeccable avec un grand soucis du détail. Je recommande fortement.”
“Impeccable work with great attention to detail. I recommend her highly.” |
Business Thriller: Freedom 56
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: December 18, 2024
Author: Stéphane Simard
ISBN: 9781667482446
Language: English
Words: 36,502
Location: Montreal, Sacacomie, Seigneurial Lake, and more. |
Freedom 56 by Stéphane Simard is the second novel in his thriller trilogy.
Financial independence is a dream for many, and some people will do anything to achieve it. Freedom 56 is a thriller inspired by the author's entrepreneurial journey, which includes thirty years of experience in the business world.
“Surprising and unpredictable.”
“Sometimes humorous, sometimes sarcastic.”
“An excellent finish!”
Marc Paradis is the leading expert in corporate finance and M&A in Montreal. Despite this enviable reputation, the 55-year-old is disappointed. His personal financial situation and his love life are failures compared to his brother Christophe, a Don Juan who seems to succeed in everything.
A meeting between the two men and the speaker Kim Roy, the so-called 'Queen of Financial Independence,' will trigger a series of events with dramatic consequences. Despite his impeccable ethics, Marc will find himself plunged into the heart of a scheme led by unscrupulous people willing to do anything to achieve their goals. The rather conservative businessman will need to take huge risks to protect the most precious person in the world, his daughter. What if the path to financial freedom is paved with bad intentions?

“Angela est une traductrice hors pair! Elle est à la fois rapide et rigoureuse, une perle rare. Elle a traduit 3 romans pour moi et je la recommande fortement. Une autre excellente traduction. Bravo!”
“Angela is a translator second to none. She is both quick and rigorous, a rare pearl. She translated three novels for me and I highly recommend her. Another excellent translation. Bravo!” |
Business Thriller: Judi
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: December 11, 2024
Author: Stéphane Simard
ISBN: 9781667482156
Language: English
Words: 34,753
Location: Montreal, Quebec City, Laval, Saint-Esprit and more. |
Judi by Stéphane Simard is a novel of suspense.
In Quebec, about one in seven people has a criminal record. Julien Dion has never had a job. Even in a labour shortage, companies don't hire schizophrenic ex-convicts in their 30s without work experience. Participating in a weekend of clinical trials in exchange for a fee becomes an interesting solution, unless you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Plunged unaware into the heart of a police investigation and haunted by the ghosts of his past, the young man will have to learn to ignore other people's opinions and accept who he is to reintegrate into society and finally live the life he covets. But can people really get rid of labels? Judi is the first novel in a thriller trilogy that includes Freedom 56 and Hook.

“WOW! Excellent travail, Angela. Tu as fait une traduction remarquable. Bravo! Merci encore.”
“WOW! Excellent work, Angela. An outstanding translation. Bravo! Thanks again.” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Story: I Want It Now
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: November 13, 2024
Author: A.P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667481050
Language: English
Words: 4,440
Location: N/A. |
I Want It Now by A.P. Hernández is a children's book for ages 6 and up.
Nora's seven years old.
Her hair's blond.
She owns a dog and a cat.
She's also slept with a teddy bear ever since she was very young.
In fact, Nora has many things, but there's something she doesn't have, hasn't ever had, and, of course, will never have, and that's patience.
And that's because Nora doesn't need patience at all ... or does she?
What's inside?
- A simple story that helps children reflect on correct emotional management.
- A perfect book to teach the importance of patience.
- A fun story for little ones to learn how to handle frustration when things don't happen right away.
- A reading that promotes delayed gratification, an essential skill for good self-control and decision-making.

“Una excelente traductora de español a inglés que destaca por su precisión y habilidad para capturar el tono y matices originales del texto. Su trabajo es fluido y natural, permitiendo que el mensaje llegue a un público angloparlante sin perder la esencia original. Comunicación fluida durante la traducción y rápida con los plazos. Ofrece traducciones de gran calidad.”
“An excellent translator from Spanish to English, Angela stands out thanks to her precision and skill in capturing the tone and nuances of the original text. Her work is smooth and natural, allowing the message to reach an English-speaking public without losing the essence of the original story in Spanish. Fluent communication throughout the translation process and rapid with deadlines, she offers high quality translations.” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's; Story: Lucy Goes To The Fair
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: November 13, 2024
Author: A.P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667481036
Language: English
Words: 4,625
Location: N/A. |
Lucy Goes To The Fair by A.P. Hernández is a children's book for ages 6 and up.
The fair's finally here!
Lucy and her brother Nick are ready to have a great time.
Valentina, Lucy's best friend, is also going.
They're looking forward to eating chocolate waffles and riding the Ferris wheel and the pirate ship.
However, they're about to have an unimaginable adventure.
What's inside?
- A simple and fun narrative, perfect for first-time readers.
- Relatable characters and everyday situations that children can easily identify with, making reading more meaningful.
- A story with numerous illustrations, perfect for reading with the family.
| |

“Una gran traductora con precisión lingüística y gran entendimiento cultural. Angela logra que las traducciones suenen naturales y auténticas. Su trabajo se caracteriza por un estilo fluido, atención al detalle y compromiso con la calidad.”
“A great translator with linguistic precision and wonderful cultural understanding. In her translations, Angela manages to achieve a natural, authentic tone. Her work is characterized by a flowing style, attention to detail, and commitment to quality.” |
Novel: Dada The Lunatic
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: October 16, 2024
Author: Yves Patrick Beaulieu
ISBN: 9781667479965
Language: English
Words: 51,381
Location: Rouyn-Noranda, Amos, Gaspé Peninsula, Maria, Campbellton, Quebec, Canada. |
Dada The Lunatic by Yves-Patrick Beaulieu is the third novel in his Abitibian trilogy set in the Gaspé Peninsula.
Emerging from a coma, David Langelier finds himself, rather incredibly, aboard a train en route to the Gaspé Peninsula at the other end of Quebec. He's lost his memory but knows his identity because his wallet is in his pocket. He was in an accident and upon awakening from the comatose state he'd been in ever since, found himself in a room at the Hôtel-Dieu d'Amos hospital in Abitibi. One evening, he leaves the hospital in the pouring rain and gets lost in the city streets. Still very weak after long months of lying in a hospital bed, he sees a railway station and takes refuge in a Canadian National Railway boxcar, exhausted but oddly happy under the circumstances. Sheltered from the deluge, he falls into a deep slumber.

“Did I tell you how much I love your translations? No? I shall say now. It has been a pleasure working with you, Angela. Ease of communication and the correct deadline. Thank you very, very much!”
Novella/Short Story: The Landlord
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: July 29, 2024
Author: Yves Patrick Beaulieu
ISBN: 9781667477305
Language: English
Words: 14,725
Location: Mercier, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada. |
The Landlord by Yves-Patrick Beaulieu is a tale of forced 'renoviction' during the Great Pandemic.
You can't miss them. They'll be looking out for you, and, once they catch you, they'll chuck you into the eviction machine as soon as they can. With dollar signs for eyes, they're voracious and merciless toward their victims. Some claim they need to renovate urgently, while others say they need to adjust to the market, otherwise they'll be in trouble. Still others harass their victims, solely for the pleasure of seeing them squirm.
Alfreda Leduc, an elderly lady, is forced to move because her landlord wants to repossess the house she's currently occupying. There's a pandemic in the country, and everything's going from bad to worse. Despite his threats, she refuses to give up and decides to wait things out until the Housing Authority holds a hearing. However, the landlord has no end of ideas to harm his tenant. He wants her out of his building at all costs! How will this misadventure end? In her home or under a bridge?

“Encore merci, madame Fairbank, pour cette autre traduction! Un beau travail, transmis dans les délais, et une excellente communication! Disons que c'est vraiment apprécié de cet auteur! Thank you!”
“Thank you again, Ms. Fairbank, for yet another translation! Great work, delivered within the deadline, and excellent communication! It's truly appreciated by this author! Merci!” |
E-book and Paperback
Historical Romance: Scottish Alliances
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: July 22, 2024
Author: Morgane Pinon and Laurence Lopez Hodiesne
ISBN: 9781667476919
Language: English with some Scottish inflections
Words: 56,264
Location: The Scottish Highlands, Scotland. |
Scottish Alliances by Morgane Pinon and Laurence Lopez Hodiesne is an historical romance set in Scotland in the 17th century.
1651 in the Scottish Highlands
Ettrick McKeyll is annoyed when he discovers a child left to her own devices in the dead of night in the middle of the forest. Ever since the English defeated the Scottish, the moor has become extremely unsafe, and all the more so for a wee lassie. The Highlander would like to take her home with him, but the only problem is, she doesn't speak.
Afraid of being discovered, Elinor McSoillse is looking for her younger sister. This fierce Scotswoman is ready to do anything to protect her, not only from foreigners, but also from enemy clans.
In a Scotland divided and weakened by wars, creating alliances sometimes seems impossible.
Laurence Lopez Hodiesne and Morgane Pinon have combined their writing talents with finesse to offer you a successful journey back in time.

“Bonjour Angela! Je viens de terminer ma lecture. C'était vraiment génial! J'ai adoré les dialogues qui marquent bien la différence de langage entre Anglais et Écossais. Une distinction qu'il est difficile de faire en français. C'est pour cette raison qu'on a utilisé la gaélique pour imprégner l'esprit de ce pays dans les dialogues. Merci encore pour ce si beau travail de traduction. On a vraiment pris plaisir à relire ce roman!”
“Hello Angela! I've just finished reading [your translation]. It was quite brilliant! I adored the dialogues that successfully point out the difference between English and Scottish accents. It's a distinction that's difficult to carry out in French. That's why we used gaelic to spice up the dialogues. Thank you again for such a great translation job. We really loved re-reading this novel!”
“Superbe traduction de notre romance historique écossaise. Des dialogues bien pensés. On se croirait dans Outlander ! Un régal de travailler avec Angela. N'hésitez plus. Elle saura prendre grand soin de vos mots.”
“Superb translation of our Scottish historical romance. Well thought out dialogues. You'd think you were in Outlander! A delight to work with Angela. Hesitate no longer. She will take great care with your words.”
E-book and Paperback
Children's; Story: Tessa's Tantrums
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: July 12, 2024
Author: A.P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667476483
Language: English
Words: 4,440
Location: N/A. |
Tessa's Tantrums by A.P. Hernández is a children's book about unicorns and children behaving badly for ages 6 and up.
Tessa has a superpower. A superpower that lets her get away with whatever she wants, whenever she wants: her tantrums. If something doesn't go her way, all she has to do is kick and scream. Tantrums are the best thing in the world ... or are they?
A fun story and a book that teaches about values. From Tessa's adventures, children will learn about the importance of empathy, correct emotional management, and the valuable aspects of conflict resolution. Through fluid storytelling, this book encourages positive social skills development. A perfect story to read as a family and to appreciate the transformative power of kindness and understanding.

“¡Perfecta traducción y en tiempo récord! ¡Gracias, Angela!”
“Perfect translation and in record time! Thanks, Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's; Story: The Puppy Pianist
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: June 14, 2024
Author: A.P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667475509
Language: English
Words: 9,677
Location: Providence, New York City. |
The Puppy Pianist by A.P. Hernández is a fun children's book for boys and girls age 6 and up.
William's a piano teacher and Lola is his inseparable Maltese Bichon dog.
Lola has always been surrounded by music because she loves listening to her owner play his wonderful instrument.
One day, Lola decides to jump onto the piano bench.
She's very clear about it: she's going to be a puppy pianist.
What's inside?
- A fun story with numerous illustrations to make reading more enjoyable.
- A captivating tale to encourage the habit of reading; it offers children a story that matches their interests.
The educational value of this book:
- Increases vocabulary.
- Promotes self-esteem because Lola's story can help children feel more confident.
- Teaches children that we all have special talents that make us unique and valuable.
- Fosters resilience because Lola confronts challenges throughout the story.

“Traducción impecable. Traductora 100% recomendable. Muchas gracias, Angela!”
“Impeccable translation. Translator recommended 100%. Thanks very much, Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's; Story: Marcus ... Super Penguin to the Rescue!
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: May 8, 2024
Author: A.P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667474007
Language: English
Words: 5,578
Location: Antarctica; Spain; Paris, France; Milan, Italy; Cologne, Germany. |
Marcus ... Super Penguin to the Rescue! by A.P. Hernández is a children's story set in the Antarctic.
Marcus is a young Emperor penguin. Like all his friends, Marcus has a very comfortable life at the South Pole. Everything is happiness and tranquility ... or is it? Read about his adventures!
A moving story that teaches young readers the importance of caring for our planet and working together to meet the challenges of climate change.
Containing numerous illustrations, this story will inspire children to become environmental advocates.
An entertaining and educational read for the whole family!
This book helps:
- Encourage empathy, because children can put themselves in Marcus the Penguin's feet, and learn to share their feelings throughout the story.
- Stimulate the habit of reading through a simple story that captures readers' attention from the very first page.
- Inspire environmental action, motivating children to take measures to protect our planet.
- Promote ecological awareness to understand the importance of conserving biodiversity.
- Provide practical ideas on how to reduce environmental impact in everyday life, such as saving energy, reducing waste, and encouraging sustainable practices.
- Empower children as agents of change, teaching them that individual involvement contributes positively to caring for the environment.
What's inside?
- A fun story about a very brave penguin.
- A book with beautiful illustrations that will make reading more enjoyable.
- Written to develop vocabulary, this book assists language development.

“Angela es de las mejores traductoras que he conocido en Babelcube. Siempre atenta y eficaz y realizando un trabajo de excelente calidad traducido a un maravilloso inglés nativo.”
“Angela is one of the best translators I have met on Babelcube. Always attentive and efficient, she provides excellent quality translation work in her marvelous native English.” |
E-book and Paperback
Romcom/Travel: Happy Road Trip to You: Chantal and Louis
in the U.S.A.
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: March 29, 2024
Author: Sophie Rouzier
ISBN: 9781667472089
Language: English
Words: 30,714
Location: France; U.S.A. |
Happy Road Trip to You: Chantal and Louis in the U.S.A. by Sophie Rouzier is Romantic Comedy Chick Lit with a travel theme.
Ever dreamed of receiving a trip as a birthday present? If you were to ask French people what their dream destination for such a gift would be, without hesitation, they'd say the United States. With one exception: Louis. This strapping young man with the vocabulary of a lord of the manor, but a geek on the edges, preferring numbers and his apartment to his fellow human beings, is certainly happy about the trip, but manages to restrain his excitement.
His girlfriend, Chantal, of Nepalese origin, is organized, yet shy, and always in the shadows. She's convinced she'll make him happy by planning their vacation. The highlights? Silicon Valley, then San Diego, and a very special event: Comic-Con. If every religious believer has their place of pilgrimage, then superhero fans also have theirs. It's here at Comic-Con where the stars of action movies and series meet their costumed fans from all around the world.
Well, that's the plan anyway. Unfortunately, a tiny mistake has been made with the reservations. Right Chantal?
Forced to change their plans, our lovebirds will visit all the iconic places in the American West, while at the same time find themselves far outside their comfort zone. Due to some unexpected and surprising encounters, our heroes will discover a whole new section of American culture, and, in so doing, will break some clichés and confirm many others.
Two things are certain: 1) during this trip Chantal and Louis will make good use of their superhero costumes, and 2) they'll never go on a road trip again. We won't force them to either! Too much adventure kills a sense of adventure.
“Angela est une traductrice de qualité. Elle prend le temps d'expliquer ses choix dans la traduction, de donner des conseils. Elle pratique ce métier depuis des années et avec bienveillance. Elle a fait preuve de patience car mes retours ont mis du temps à arriver. Merci beaucoup pour cela. Je la recommande vivement.”
Angela is a quality translator. She takes the time to explain the translation choices she has made and to give advice. She has been practicing this profession benevolently for years. She has proven her ability to be patient because I've taken my time in getting back to her. Thank you very much for that. I highly recommend her.” |
E-book and Paperback
Historical/Contemporary Romance: Armance
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: November 9, 2023
Author: Morgane Pinon
ISBN: 9781667465814
Language: English
Words: 53,621
Location: Paris, Brittany, France; Stirling, Scotland |
Armance by Morgane Pinon is a combined historical and contemporary romance.
An abandoned manor. Secrets concealed behind a mirror. A tiny room that hasn't been opened for nearly 150 years...
Behind a looking glass, a hidden closet contains the diary of Armance de Bellieu, a nineteenth-century countess, who poured her soul into her writing, never imagining for a moment that it might be read one day.
After 150 years of collecting dust, its yellowing pages are revealed to Florian Brunet, the new owner of this ancient estate. The young man will learn the hard way that the truth about this woman from the past has become lost among the twists and turns of history.
“Discover the coast of Brittany through this contemporary and historical romance.”
“A linguistic and culinary journey in one.”
“Bonjour Angela ! Merci infiniment pour ce beau travail de traduction. Quelle émotion ce fut de vous relire ! ... J'ai adoré. Vous avez parfaitement su respecter ma plume en gardant les mêmes constructions de phrase. Une très belle expérience à la lecture ! ... Cela me donne envie de proposer un autre livre à la traduction, tellement j'ai aimé votre travail !”
“Hello Angela! Thank you so much for this beautiful translation. I was so moved to read it! ... I adored it. You respected my writing style perfectly. I had a wonderful experience reading it! ... In fact, I like your work so much I'd like propose another book translation to you!”
“Incroyable ! Angela a fait un travail remarquable ! Les délais étaient parfaitement tenus. Les échanges en toute bienveillance. C'est avec une grande émotion que j'ai pu lire mon livre en anglais. Fluidité et respect de la version originale sont au rendez-vous. Vous n'avez aucune raison d'hésiter pour travailler avec Angela. D'ailleurs, j'espère pouvoir lui proposer d'autres romans <3 Tout simplement, merci !”
“Incredible! Angela did an outstanding job! The deadlines were met perfectly. Conversations were very friendly. It was an emotional experience for me to read my book in English. Fluidity and respect for the original version were honoured. You have no reason to hesitate about working with Angela. In fact, I hope to be able to offer her other novels <3 Quite simply, thank you!”
“Merci encore pour votre travail si respectueux pour mon livre. À très bientôt pour une prochaine collaboration.”
“Thank you again for such a respectful translation of my book. I look forward to working with you again on our next book.” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: A Halloween Story
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: October 12, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667464510
Language: English
Words: 4,015
Location: N/A |
A Halloween Story by A.P. Hernández is a children's story with a holiday theme.
Angela's nervous. Halloween's approaching. It's the most important day of the year. There's a competition in the haunted castle. The rules are simple: collect the most candy. The team that accumulates the most will win. However, Angela has another plan.
Read about her adventures!
What's inside?
- A Halloween story with all kinds of fun creatures: ghosts, ogres, zombies, witches, werewolves ... and many more!
- A book with beautiful illustrations that will make reading more enjoyable.
- Written to increase word use, this book will help enrich vocabulary, and contribute to language development.
- Created to stimulate the imagination, the adventures of the witch Angela will immerse children into a magical world and enable them to explore a creative universe.
This book will help children:
- Become empathetic: children can put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist, thus promoting understanding toward others.
- Learn to read: this simple and attractive story will capture their attention and inspire them to continue reading.
- Reflect on values and lessons: this book has a high pedagogical potential because it's designed to convey lessons about friendship, tolerance, and overcoming fear and prejudice.
- Work on their personal development: this book will help children manage their emotions and fears.
- Celebrate diversity: the adventures of the little witch Angela will teach them to accept those who are different from us, and understand individual differences as a source of collective enrichment.

“Otra perfecta traducción de Angela a un perfecto inglés nativo. ¡Muchas gracias!”
“Another perfect translation from Angela into a perfect native English. Thank you very much!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: I Don't Want to Exercise!
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: September 20, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667463766
Language: English
Words: 3,228
Location: N/A |
I Don't Want to Exercise! by A.P. Hernández is a children's book.
Martin has decided.
From now on, he's not going to exercise. He's done with going out into the street, playing football with his friends, and jumping outdoors.
From now on, he's going to stay at home, lie on the couch, watch TV, and eat chocolate.
After all, exercise is useless.
Or, at least, that's what he thinks...
A children's book that underlines the importance of exercise in the healthy development of children.
What's inside?
- An amusing story about the importance of exercise.
- Written to develop empathy, Martin's story enables children to walk in the shoes of the protagonist and live all his adventures firsthand.
- A book that reflects on the benefits of exercise and its role in physical and social development.
This book will help children:
- Increase their vocabulary.
- Overcome stereotypes that exercise is useless.
- Understand that physical activity not only contributes to good health, motor development, socializing and healthy lifestyle habits, it also prevents illness.

“Muy buena traductora, tal y como demuestra con cada libro que traduce ... a un perfecto inglés nativo: ¡Muchas gracias, Angela!”
“Very good translator, as demonstrated by every book she translates ... in a perfect, native English. Thank you very much, Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: I Don't Want to Recycle!
Coming soon to: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: September 15, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667463599
Language: English
Words: 4,156
Location: N/A |
I Don't Want to Recycle! by A.P. Hernández is a children's book.
Martin has decided.
From now on, he's not going to recycle. No more reusing materials and separating plastic, paper, cardboard, and glass.
From now on, Martin's going to throw everything away because recycling's silly.
However, as luck would have it, one weekend he discovers something incredible.
A children's book that underlines the environmental and social importance of recycling.
What's inside?
- An amusing story about the importance of recycling.
- Written with humor, Martin's story allows children to enjoy fun, easy reading as they live though the adventures of the protagonist.
- A book that reflects on the benefits of recycling and its implications: using fewer natural resources, reducing pollution and waste, preserving biodiversity and conserving the environment.
This book will help children:
- Increase their vocabulary.
- Understand the importance of recycling through the protagonist's fun and meaningful situations.
- Understand that recycling is critical to contributing to a more sustainable and healthy world for present and future generations.

“Muy buena traductora, rápida y cumplidora con los plazos. Comunicación fluida durante toda la traducción. La calidad de la traducción es fantástica, traducida a un perfecto inglés nativo. ¡Muchas gracias, Angela!”
“Very good translator, rapid, and delivers within deadlines. Fluent communication throughout the entire translation. The quality of the translation is fantastic, translated into a perfect native English. Thank you very much, Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: The Adventures of a Traveling Piano
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: September 7, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667462899
Language: English
Words: 7,140
Location: Austria; Galicia, Eastern Europe |
The Adventures of a Traveling Piano by A.P. Hernández is a children's adventure book full of history and music for ages 8 and up.
Get ready for a one-of-a-kind adventure!
In this book you'll read the amazing story of a very special piano.
It all starts in a piano shop in Vienna, where the book's protagonist appears. This grand piano will, with its notes, awaken emotions and dreams in those lucky enough to hear it.
One day, someone will buy it and the piano will go on a journey full of adventures.
Discover its history!
What's inside?
- A beautiful story for children about the importance of music.
- A simple and attractive writing style, perfect for beginner readers.
- Historical fiction: Through the adventures of the traveling piano, children will learn facts about life and society in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Historical accuracy: Children will discover cultural and historical aspects of the 19th and 20th centuries.
- The book's original illustrations will stimulate the imagination.
Children will love this book because they'll:
- Live adventures through time.
- Recognize the value of music in society.
- Learn about famous composers such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Liszt, Frédéric Chopin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Johann Sebastian Bach.

“Maravillosa traductora, como he podido comprobar en varias ocasiones. Muchas gracias, Ángela!!”
“Marvelous translator, as I have been able to confirm on various occasions. Thank you very much, Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: The Valentina File
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: August 3, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667460789
Language: English
Words: 30,858
Location: Madrid, Spain |
A darker tale than what I am used to translating, The Valentina File by A. P. Hernández is a YA Detective Mystery.
Valentina: a teenager who ended her life with a box cutter.
Martha: a mother who can't accept her daughter's atrocious act.
Ishmael: a university student who's beginning to overcome his fears.
Lazarus del Río: a former Chief Inspector of Police who's been suspended and barred for life.
Why did Valentina commit suicide?
Follow Lazarus del Río's investigation and discover the hidden truth behind her death.

“Fantástica, como siempre ... impecable trabajo y traducción a un inglés nativo. Thank you so much, Angela!”
“Fantastic as usual ... impeccable work and translation into native English. Muchas gracias, Ángela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: A Dromedary at the North Pole
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: June 24, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667459011
Language: English
Words: 5,019
Location: The North Pole |
A Dromedary at the North Pole by A. P. Hernández is a children's tale of inclusion and acceptance for ages 6-7 and up.
This is a story about a dromedary named Sonny. Sonny lives at the North Pole and is surrounded by ice and snow. It's very cold there ... too cold for an animal like him. During the story, Sonny makes a number of friends and learns how to survive in his new environment. With a little help, anything is possible.
A moving story about the importance of diversity and inclusion. Perfect for boys and girls aged 6-7 and up.

“Maravillosa, como siempre”
“Marvelous, as usual.” |
E-book and Paperback
Covid Thriller: The Silent Killer
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: June 22, 2023
Author: John Nexdar aka Juan Martín García
ISBN: 9781667458670
Language: English
Words: 61,676
Location: Wuhan, China; Madrid, Spain; Milan & Verona, Italy; Geneva, Switzerland; Iowa, California, Alaska, Atlanta & North Carolina, U.S.A., The Hague, The Netherlands |
From a new author (for me) from Madrid, Spain comes The Silent Killer, a thriller based on the Covid pandemic geared to adult readers.
In this thrilling fiction novel, an as-yet unknown illness appears, shaking the pillars of our civilization. Attempts to contain it are unsuccessful and it's expanding uncontrollably.
Dr. Echegoyen appears to be the only person able to find a vaccine. His progress doesn't go unnoticed by certain influential sectors of society. Apparently, some people are feeling a bit too comfortable in the midst of the current global chaos and are seriously considering ending the scientist's life to safeguard their interests.
The doctor will be joined in this adventure by Marcus, a resourceful young man; Karen, an attractive renegade spy; and Ricky, an unpredictable hacker. The plot will run through countries as disparate as China, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States.
The exciting plot, containing suspense and intrigue, will be spiced with information to provide the reader with a better understanding of the exhilarating world of virology. Statistical data will be shared, as will curious accounts describing the great milestones of science in this field.

“La traducción de Angela es de gran calidad, lo he testado con la opinión de un profesional independiente. Espero volver a trabajar con ella en el futuro.”
“Angela's translation is high-quality work, according to the opinion of an independent professional. I hope to work with her again in the future.” |
E-book and Paperback
YA Fantasy Saga: The End of Twilight
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: June 15, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667458595
Language: English
Words: 23,079
Location: N/A |
Book translation number seventeen for A.P. Hernández, The End of Twilight is the second book of the Ravens and Dragons saga, a Dark Fantasy Trilogy for Young Adults.
War is about to break out. The Kingdom of Shadows, led by the goddess Thënda, is gathering forces, recruiting nameless beings and creatures of the night already thought to be extinct.
Humanity is unknowingly on the verge of complete annihilation.
Rodrik and his men must reach Nebula, warn King Fird, and face this unprecedented threat before it's too late. But the road is long, dangers lurk around every corner, and nameless beings standing in their way are becoming more powerful, and more intelligent.

“Traducción de gran calidad, como siempre. ¡Muchas gracias, Angela!”
“A high quality translation, as usual. Thank you very much Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
YA Fantasy Saga: To the Other Side of the Known World
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: June 15, 2023, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667458472
Language: English
Words: 20,236
Location: N/A |
Book translation number sixteen for A.P. Hernández, To the Other Side of the Known World is the first book of the Ravens and Dragons saga, a Dark Fantasy Trilogy for Young Adults.
The greatest threat humanity has ever faced is brewing behind the walls of Düré. After so many years of peace, darkness has been reborn, and the goddess Thënda has left the Kingdom of Shadows.
Lord Tovel secretly chooses eight of his best men and entrusts them with a mission: to reach Nebula and request help from King Fird.
Rodrik and his men must leave the safety offered by the walls of Düré and face a journey plagued with intrigue, magic and danger.

“¡Una traducción de 10! Perfecta. ¡Mil gracias!”
“Ten out of ten for a perfect translation. Thanks a million!” |
E-book and Paperback
YA/Adult Paranormal/Fantasy/Ghost Story: Despair Avenue
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: March 30, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667453842
Language: English
Words: 11,100
Location: N/A |
Book translation number fifteen for A.P. Hernández, Despair Avenue is a short fictional novel.
“The crackle of dead leaves beneath my feet and the wisp of warm air caressing my face like an invisible hand will forever linger in my mind. Suddenly, as I was walking, I simply fell to the ground, lifeless.”
This could easily be the ending of a novel, but in Despair Avenue it's only the beginning. With his death, the protagonist finds himself trapped on a kind of threshold between life and death. His journey leads him to his former place of residence where he visits his family members. It's only then he realizes how much they've changed and the great danger they're in.”

“Estupenda colaboración, como siempre. ¡Gracias de nuevo, Angela! ”
“Fantastic collaboration, as usual. Thanks again, Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: Jamie and the Realm of Fantasy
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: March 2, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667452210
Language: English
Words: 14,984
Location: N/A |
Fourteenth book translation for A.P. Hernández, Jamie and the Realm of Fantasy is reminiscent of the Narnia books and the Secret Garden and therefore, right up my alley.
Jamie's reading in his garden when suddenly something appears in the bushes. An eye is staring at him. What could it be? How did it get there? Discover his amazing adventures.
Full of moral messages for kids and adults alike.

“Extraordinaria traducción.
Como siempre, Angela ha cumplido con todos los plazos y ha presentado el trabajo final en tiempo récord. Y todo ello, con una traducción perfecta. Muchas gracias.”
“Fantastic translation. As usual, Angela met all the deadlines and presented the final work in record time. And all that with a perfect translation. Thank you very much!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: So Now What?
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: February 11, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667450957
Language: English
Words: 3,665
Location: N/A |
A children's book translation, and lucky number thirteen for A.P. Hernández, So Now What? features an owl and a weasel ... as should be pretty obvious from the book cover.
Henry's an owl like any other who lives happily in the woods until one day his life suddenly changes. Read about his adventures!
For ages 7 and up, it aims to help kids with decision-making and self-improvement.

“Muy buena traducción de Angela, cumpliendo todos los plazos y finalizando en un breve espacio de tiempo. Una traducción perfecta. ¡Muchas gracias por todo!”
“Angela fulfilled all the requirements and finished it in a very short time. A perfect translation. Thanks for everything!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: Daisy Likes to Jump
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: February 2, 2023
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667449937
Language: English
Words: 9,878
Location: N/A |
Book translation number twelve for A.P. Hernández, Daisy Likes to Jump is yet another children's book with a bit of fantasy thrown in. Daisy's eight years old and a professional jumper. She can spend hours and hours bouncing on the mattress of her bed, although there's nothing better than a good trampoline. So, to make the long summer holidays more interesting, her parents give her a wonderful surprise.
Daisy takes care of it with affection and watches it from the window of her room. But one night, looking out into the garden, she discovers a mysterious visitor stalking her new possession. Daisy will soon understand that this is someone very special.

“Otra impresionante traducción de Angela. Rápida y siempre respetando los plazos previstos. Una gran profesional.”
“Pero ¡menuda traducción! Me parece impresionante. Ya sabes que no tengo mucho nivel de inglés, pero he leído mucho en inglés y sé reconocer una traducción perfecta. ¡Mil gracias por todo! Por fin este libro tiene la traducción que se merece.”
“Another impressive translation by Angela. Quick and always respectful of deadlines. A great professional.”
“And what a translation it is! I'm impressed. You know my level of English isn't great but I read a lot in English and I know how to recognize a perfect translation. Thanks a lot for everything! Finally this book has the translation it deserves.” |
E-book and Paperback
Thriller: Retrocessions
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: November 7, 2022
Author: Jean de Blonay
ISBN: 9798201693022
Language: English
Words: 66,623
Locations: Geneva, Egypt, Costa del Mar, Capri, Iceland, Pozzuoli |
In my third book translation for retired Swiss Physician, Jean de Blonay, Retrocessions, Charles Galerian, an independent consultant in Geneva, gets caught up in dubious set-ups overseen by a formidable money-laundering organization. When he realizes the truth and all that it implies, and tells them he wants to get out, a relentless pursuit is launched against him and his family because he knows too much. He's a danger to them but he knows how to protect himself, and his friends and relatives have his back. This story is also a study of mankind inspired by real people.

“Très habituée à mon style, Angela traduit avec exactitude et fluidité les évènements, les situations et les sentiments. La communication avec elle est très facile et elle tient parfaitement ses délais. Une traductrice à recommander. Merci Angela.”
“Very used to my style, Angela translates situations and feelings precisely and fluidly. Communication with her is very easy and she meets her deadlines perfectly. A translator to be recommended. Thank you Angela” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: Fed up! Mom's off to the Caribbean
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: November 1, 2022
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667444567
Language: English
Words: 9,907
Location: Spain |
My eleventh translation of a book by A.P. Hernández, Fed up! Mom's off to the Caribbean is another children's book full of humor and adventure for ages 6 and up.
Mom's fed up! She's had enough! She spends her life cleaning, cooking, ironing and taking care of everyone. She can't take it anymore and needs a vacation urgently, so she's off to the Caribbean! Matthew, eight years old, his brother Anthony, and his dad will be on their own for a week. Read about their adventures!

“Otra traducción perfecta de Angela. ¡Gracias por tu maravilloso trabajo!”
“Another perfect translation by Angela. Thank you for your marvelous work.” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: The Little Monsters and Their 102nd Teacher
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: September 13, 2022
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667441627
Language: English
Words: 8,745
Location: Spain |
My tenth book for A.P. Hernández, The Little Monsters and Their 102nd Teacher is a children's story in the Little Monsters Series.
The little monsters thought they'd seen it all, but they were wrong. Today a new teacher has arrived in class: teacher number 102. As soon as they see him, they realize he's the strangest of them all. This could even be the greatest challenge of their lives.

“Angela ha vuelto a hacer una traducción de gran calidad ... traducción a un inglés perfecto.”
“Once again Angela has produced a great quality translation ... translating to perfect English.” |
E-book and Paperback
Thriller: Repercussions
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: July 7, 2022
Author: Jean de Blonay
ISBN: 9781667436760
Language: English
Words: 66,158
Locations: Kashmir, India; Alexandria, Egypt; Geneva, Switzerland; Puglia, Italy; Malta; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Maldives; and Sri Lanka |
In Repercussions, a second mystery for adults by Jean de Blonay, Gautier Delcreuze has been found dead, hanging from a tree. According to the police, it's a simple suicide. For his brother David, however, that's simply impossible. Shortly before dying, Gautier wrote a text explaining that he was in danger and that people were after him, accusing him of stealing money and possessing compromising documents. He had ended the one-pager with the words: “I am not suicidal.” The police investigation may be over, but David's not ready to give up on his search for the truth. He'll go all the way, regardless of the danger.
“Jean de Blonay has written a breathless thriller involving the Italian mafia and false leads, and containing a perfectly tied-up plot that keeps readers in suspense until the very last line.”

“I love Angela's style and how she understands even the meanings hidden behind the words. The communication with her is very easy, direct and really friendly. And she works so fast. I have been very lucky that my first translator was Angela Fairbank and my last translator will be Angela Fairbank ... if she agrees! She already translated my two first books and she accepted to translate the third one. I will submit the fourth one to her when finished.”
“Wow ... that was quite a roller coaster! Almost too good to be true in parts but nonetheless a terrific read and I enjoyed it from start to finish. I couldn't put it down this afternoon and, as a result, I haven't got much else done! Lots of twists and turns to the tale and I liked the way that at least two of the characters were able to find a better way in their lives and that this was recognised by others. The translation is excellent - well done Angela!” |
E-book and Paperback
Children's Book: Seven Dalmatians ... and Lucas!
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: April 7, 2022
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667430164
Language: English
Words: 10,132
Locations: Not applicable |
Seven Dalmatians ... and Lucas! tells the story of Lucas, a very special Dalmatian. Ever since he was born, Lucas has understood he is different from all his brothers and sisters, his parents and all the other dogs in the world. Lucas is unique for his species. This is his story.

“Gran trabajo de Angela, como siempre.”
“A great job by Angela, as usual.” |
E-book and Paperback
Young Adult Mystery/Thriller: Helen's Nightmare
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: February 24, 2022
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9798201708658
Language: English
Words: 92,732
Locations: Not applicable |
Helen looks around and sees an empty, dirty, and long-forgotten room. Small spiders have made it their place of residence, which is why they're observing the young woman with obvious interest from the comfort of their cobwebs. Helen, restless, fidgets in the growing gloom and that's when she realizes she's not alone....
With the murder of Aaron Fellon Smith, the doorman at Kobla Bar, Inspector Moore and his young police partner, Eddie, find themselves embroiled in an investigation full of surprises in which a past buried in oblivion is gradually revealed.
A longer mystery geared to older adolescent readers by A. P. Hernández, Amazon reviews of the Spanish version of Helen's Nightmare include phrases like these (and I am translating from the Spanish) “The story captives immediately ... very realistic ... well-defined characters ... the action and suspense are very well written. You are transported ... Your heart will beat a hundred miles an hour and won't let up until the very last page.”

“¡Fantástica traducción! Ángela ha hecho una traducción fabulosa, cumpliendo todos los plazos y manteniéndose continuamente en contacto durante toda la traducción. ¡Mil gracias, Angela!”
“Fantastic translation! Angela has made a fabulous translation, fulfilling all the deadlines and continuously maintaining contact during the process. Thanks a million, Angela!”
E-book and Paperback
Mystery: Retroviral
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: January 27, 2022
Author: Jean de Blonay
ISBN: 9781667425078
Language: English
Words: 64,846
Locations: Switzerland, Spain, Hong Kong, South Pacific, Thailand |
Geneva, June 2021. As a pandemic rages across the globe, Ornella Conti seeks to clarify the mystery behind the death of her husband, Michael. Four years earlier, a would-be philanthropic organization had approached him to participate in a large-scale project to manufacture a vaccine capable of curing several deadly diseases. The couple had agreed to settle on the island where the top secret lab was to be built. However, the situation gets out of hand, and as she tries to shed light on the past, Ornella becomes the target of an evil conspiracy.
In this captivating novel, Retroviral, the author subtly and intelligently summons current events that are at the heart of a turbulent plot where viruses, conspiracy and love form an explosive cocktail.

“En lisant les dix pages test [de Retroviral], j'ai tout de suite aimé le style d'Angela : elle a parfaitement adhéré au rythme du roman, au ton et à l'ambiance, au point que je lui ai confié sans hésiter la traduction de mon deuxième roman et lui proposerai, en toute confiance, la traduction du suivant.”
“When I read the first ten test pages [of Retroviral], I immediately liked Angela's style: she matched the rhythm, tone and mood of the novel perfectly and as a result I didn't hesitate in entrusting her with the translation of my second novel. And I will also ask her in complete confidence to translate the next one.”
“I don't normally read thrillers but wow you are quite right it is a real page turner and I got more and more into it. Quite along the lines of James Bond in places with incredible events happening in rapid succession - all somewhat unlikely but making for a good read. I liked the character portrayal of Pierre and the cool way he handled things in a crisis - quite a player. There is an impressive amount of information on viruses, which of course is very topical and must have taken quite a lot of intensive research. Certainly a book for our times.”
E-book and Paperback
Children's book: The Little Monsters and Their 101st Teacher
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: December 16, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667421919
Language: English
Words: 6,064
Location: Spain |
In the second in a children's book series for 8 to 12 year olds, The Little Monsters and Their 101st Teacher, the little monsters have a new instructor. Teacher number 101 is coming to class today. As soon as the individual in question appears at the door, everyone is stunned. This is undoubtedly the most incredible teacher they've ever had.

“Fantástica traductora. Como siempre, un trabajo impecable.”
“Awesome translator. Flawless work as usual.”
E-book and Paperback
Children's book: Hugo's Lies
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: November 5, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667418469
Language: English
Words: 4,487
Location: Spain |
In Hugo's Lies, Hugo is seven years old and a liar. He loves to stretch the truth! Whenever he can, he tells a fib. It's super fun! Or, at least, so he thinks.

“Otra estupenda traducción de Angela. Ha respetado los plazos y mantenido contacto continuo durante toda la traducción. ¡Muchas gracias!”
“Yet another marvellous translation by Angela. She respects deadlines and maintains continuous contact throughout the translation. Thank you!”
Romance novel: A Very Bright Summer Sun in the London Sky
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: October 26, 2021
Author: Jo Ann von Haff
ISBN: 9781667417523
Language: English
Words: 30,724
Location: London, England |
A Very Bright Summer Sun in the London Sky is set in London, England, and is the second volume of the Love in Five Seasons series by Jo Ann von Haff. This story concentrates on Summer, the youngest of the Demaria sisters, and her office romance in a very specialized computer company.
Can we fall in love all because of a fake bet?
Summer doesn't drool over Ifan G. Vaughan, the company heartthrob. He doesn't appear to be aware of her existence anyway. Summer is low-key and hates being the centre of attention, especially when it's for the wrong reason. But all it takes is one accident - one stupid accident - and the entire contents of Summer's mug of tea ends up on Ifan's shirt in front of the entire open space where she works. That's it. Now he knows who she is and not necessarily for the right reasons.

“Once again, it's a pleasure [to work] with Angela! This is our second collab, and Angela is always careful [to stick] to my characters, going beyond when needed, [and] working around US/UK spellings and idioms. Thank you for your enthusiasm, Angela. It means a lot!”
E-book and Paperback
Children's book: Four Eyes, Spike, Smarty And Mimiguel And The Mysterious Case Of The Missing Spicy Pork Sausage Sandwiches for 8 to 12 year olds
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: October 22, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667417257
Language: English
Words: 8,540
Location: Spain |
In Four Eyes, Spike, Smarty And Mimiguel And The Mysterious Case Of The Missing Spicy Pork Sausage Sandwiches, Pablo (Four Eyes), Miguel (Mimiguel), Alejandro (Spike) and Carlos (Smarty) are only 10 years old but they're already real detectives. They've solved a ton of cases although none quite so complicated as the mysterious disappearance of the spicy pork sausage sandwiches. Will they be able to solve this one?

“Como siempre, ha hecho una traducción fantástica. ¡Mil gracias, Angela!”
“As usual Angela has done a fantastic job with the translation. Thanks a million, Angela!”
Children's book: In Search of the Lost Sea for 6 to 7 year olds
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: September 3, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667412306
Language: English
Words: 4,478
Location: Central America |
In Search of the Lost Sea recounts the story of Marina, a very special sea turtle. She has just hatched, but as soon as she looks out at the world, she realizes she's lost. Where's the sea? Where are her brothers and sisters? Why is she all alone? She has no time to lose. She must find the sea - her home - and she's got a long way to go.

“Ángela ha hecho un trabajo estupendo, siempre respetando los plazos de traducción y manteniendo una comunicación fluida a lo largo de todo el proceso. Además, es muy colaboradora con la difusión del libro una vez publicado. ¡Completamente recomendada!”
“Angela has done an amazing job, always respects deadlines and maintains continuous communication throughout the entire process. She also helps market the book once it is published. Highly recommended!”
E-book and Paperback
Children's; book: Adventures with Grandma for 7 to 12 year olds
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: September 3, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667412283
Language: English
Words: 13,234
Location: Spain |
In Adventures with Grandma, Andrea and Jamie, 9 and 7 years old, are siblings, and this summer they're going to spend a few days with their grandmother because their parents have won a raffle and are going on a trip. Their parents' instructions are very clear: “Be very good,” “Take good care of Grandma,” and “Grandma is very old, look after her.” However, left alone with their grandmother, Andrea and Jamie are in for a huge surprise. Grandma may not be as boring as they had thought after all.

“Al igual que en las ocasiones anteriores, Angela ha sido extraordinaria. Gran traducción y en tiempo récord. Muchas gracias.”
“As with previous translations, Angela has been extraordinary. A great translation and in record time. Thank you very much.”
Science Fiction novel: Ownerless World
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: July 23, 2021
Author: Anthony Koontz
ISBN: 9781667407883
Language: English
Words: 53,070
Location: Too many to list |
Ownerless World is a book about power, politics, sex, religion and science. It presents a future world where the economy is declining and various corporations are fighting each other for global power. Meanwhile, a revolutionary new technology is being born: an artificial deity willing to help people defeat those who are controlling capital and the planet. It's everything conspiracy theories will never tell you about. If God doesn't exist, you must create Him/Her.

“Punctual, precise, attentive and careful translator. I really liked Angela's work.”
Romance novel: It All Started on the Eve of Valentine's Day
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: July 8, 2021
Author: Jo Ann von Haff
ISBN: 9781667405278
Language: English
Words: 28,450
Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom |
It All Started on the Eve of Valentine's Day, a romance novel, is one of a set of five stories involving four sisters and their mother, and hence five romances that take place in Leeds, London and Paris. Each story is a stand-alone and can be read independently. This particular love story starts with a text message not intended for the recipient ... and well, I must admit, it does get a bit steamy towards the end! My challenge this time was its setting in Leeds, using British vocabulary and spelling and some choice Yorkshire expressions!

“It was wonderful working with Angela. Great insight, great advice, and most of all, great work. We discussed spellings (US or UK?), and idioms, and lingos. I love that one of my characters has the Yorkshire accent, and it's so real. I loved rereading my book in English, it's like discovering my story all over again. Thank you so much, Angela. :-) ” - Jo Ann von Haff
“I'm really impressed with your translation of this book, Angela! It's an engaging plot with a lot of interesting characters, and you did a great job capturing the tender family scenes and the steamier parts. Awesome translation and I'm interested in reading the other volumes from this author!” - Corinne McKay
“I really enjoyed Angela Fairbank's English translation of Jo Ann von Haff's erotic novel; the plot begins with a mis-sent text message, and really captures both the tender moments between Flora (the main character) and the other people in her life, and her budding romance with C, the author of the mis-sent message. This book is an engaging read, highly recommended!” |
E-book and Paperback Children's book: I Know I Can!
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: June 12, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667403830
Language: English
Words: 3,753
Locations: Undefined |
I Know I Can! is a short children's story about friendship and personal growth.
Andrew is a very happy canary. His owner Eustacia loves him and takes great care of him. Andrew's life is peaceful and calm until the day a sparrow starts visiting him.

“Muchas gracias por todo tu interés y por tu maravillosa traducción.”
“Ángela ha hecho un trabajo fantástico. Muy amable y responsable con los plazos. Conversación fluida durante todo el proceso. 100% recomendada.”
“Thank you for your interest and for your marvelous translation.”
“Angela did a fantastic job. Very friendly and responsible with deadlines. Fluid conversation throughout the process. 100% recommended.” |
E-book Children's book: A Vacation with Dad
Sold at: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: May 20, 2021
Author: A. P. Hernández
ISBN: 9781667401690
Language: English
Words: 10,360
Locations: Spain, France (Paris), Germany |
A Vacation with Dad is a children's book about an 8-year-old boy who goes on a trip from Spain to Germany with his father, a truck driver. They have a few adventures along the way involving a dog ... and a possible ghost. They even manage to visit Paris!

“Muchísimas gracias por tu gran trabajo. Te lo agradezco de veras. ¡[Eres] extraordinaria! ”
“Thank you very much for your great work. I am truly grateful. [You are] extraordinary!” |
Science-fiction novel: My Son is 19 Years Older Than Me
Sold at : Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: April 11, 2021
Author: Mohamed Hermassi
ISBN: 9781393217077
Language: English
Words: 44,086
Locations: Quebec, Tunisia, Kenya, Canada's North West Territories. |
My Son is 19 Years Older Than Me, a science-fiction novel for adults, tells the story of a man who undergoes a memory transfer under conditions that science isn't yet able to explain. When André wakes up on a flight from Australia to Canada with someone else's identity, he finds himself in a very surprising and embarrassing situation. How will he manage to cope in the short and long term? A most unusual journey awaits him as soon as his plane lands. Sometimes the curtain between fiction and reality lifts up. Such a transfer may one day be possible thanks to progress made by science.

“Bravo ma fille, c'est un vrai plaisir de travailler avec vous!! Vous pouvez continuer de traduire le livre, j'ai confiance en vous!! GO!”
“Bravo my dear. It's truly a pleasure to work with you!! You can continue to translate the book, I have confidence in you!! Go!”
“Bonjour Madame Angela, j'ai toujours su que vous étiez la meilleure, qualité, et ponctualité. Je vous remercie encore une fois, vous êtes un modèle!!”
“Madame Angela, I always knew you were the best regarding quality and punctuality. Thank you once again, you are a model [to be followed]!!”
Travel Novel
Lovely Planet
Sold at : Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: January 19, 2021
Author: Mirelle HDB
ISBN: 9781393729310
Language: English
Words: 33,383
Locations: India, Paris, Berlin, Chicago, Montreal, Quebec City and New York. |
What unites an angry teenager, a tramp with No Fixed Desire, a neurotic businessman and a mother trapped in her daily life? All of them have held Indian wisdom, Wakanda-Adhita's book, in their hands. It's something that goes beyond borders and triggers them to lead better lives. In Lovely Planet, flamboyant characters meet in a multicolored universe where anything can happen. |
| |
“C'est la première fois que je fais traduire ce roman, Lovely Planète, que j'ai écrit il y a dix ans. Angela Fairbank a réussi à trouver le ton et le rythme de mon style. La traduction est à la fois très fidèle et bien adaptée. C'est un réel plaisir de relire ce livre en anglais, de retrouver mes personnages. La rapidité et l'efficacité d'Angela n'ont d'égale que son professionnalisme et sa gentillesse. Encore merci pour votre excellent travail.”
“I wrote this novel, Lovely Planet, ten years ago but this is the first time I've had it translated. Angela Fairbank managed to find the right tone and rhythm to reflect my style. The translation is both faithful to the original and well adapted. It's a real pleasure to reread this book in English and rediscover my characters. Angela's efficiency and speed are only equaled by her professionalism and kindness. Thank you once again for your excellent work.”
“Chère Angela, Merci infiniment pour votre excellent travail. J'ai hâte d'avoir le livre traduit en mains propres.”
“Dear Angela, Thanks a million for your excellent work. I can't wait to get the translated book into my own hands.”
“Lovely Planet is a fun, light-hearted romp through several memorable cities that will give you the travel bug. Think Sex and the City meets Eat, Pray, Love. The translation reads smoothly and naturally, allowing you to enjoy the stories of these disparate characters. And uniting them all is the mysterious book of wisdom.” Review on Amazon. |
Short story: Agent Double Zero
Sold at : Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: December 29, 2020
Author: Yves Patrick Beaulieu
ISBN: 9781071582169
Language: English
Words: 4,697
Location: Rouyn-Noranda, Abitibi, Quebec |
In Agent Double Zero, Pauline Bilodeau, a young Goth, is visiting her father in Rouyn-Noranda, located in the Abitibi region. She's getting to know her stepbrother, Ovila, whom she's meeting for the first time. She's ready for anything, except what she finds... |
“Tellement content de la traduction de madame Fairbank que j'ai publié le texte tout de suite, avant même de la remercier pour le service rendu! Remettre la traduction dans les temps convenus n'est pas un problème pour cette traductrice et la communication est excellente. Merci, Angela. Du vraiment bon travail!”
“[I was] so happy with Ms Fairbank's translation that I published it immediately even before thanking her for her service! Completing translations within the agreed time period is not a problem for this translator and communication with her is excellent. Thank you, Angela. Really good work!” |
Romance novel: Journey of a Heart
Sold at : Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: December 24, 2020
Author: Mohamed Hermassi
ISBN: 9781071582947
Language: English
Words: 45,399
Locations: France, Mali and Australia. |
Journey of a Heart is the story of a thirty-four-year-old man who has a heart transplant. He hears rumors that the heart he received belonged to a young woman who died in a traffic accident. He's intrigued and decides to investigate. He wants to find out more about the woman and her story. He gets caught up in the quest and becomes obsessed by it.
Despite the necessary anonymity and confidentiality regarding organ donors, he manages, through subtle inquiry and unlimited patience, to find her parents. He also discovers the cemetery where she's buried as well as her photo, her name, Irene, and her age at death, twenty-two. A surreal connection takes place between him and the deceased, and an impossible love story is born. He begins to have feelings for her. After all, it's her heart beating in his chest. Things become complicated when he learns she has a twin sister living somewhere in Africa, working with an NGO as a nurse. He decides to leave his life behind and go in search of Irene's twin. Once he finds her, their love, tinged with drama and passion, is both powerful and fragile. These unusual ingredients combine to offer them an adventure full of torment involving both stormy and sunny weather. |

“Je me permets de vous adresser mes sincères félicitations, pour le travail bien accompli de la traduction de mon livre en anglais Le parcours d'un coeur. Je ne saurai que vous recommander à tous ceux qui voudraient avoir un travail rigoureux, et bien fini.”
“My sincere congratulations for a well accomplished translation of my book, Le parcours d'un coeur, into English. I would recommend you to everyone who wants a meticulous and well finished result.”
“Angela Fairbank, est une traductrice compétente, qui respecte le sens, et le style de la traduction. Personnellement, je la recommande à tous ceux qui veulent un travail bien fini, et rigoureux. Je la remercie pour la traduction de mon livre Le parcours d'un coeur en anglais.”
“Angela Fairbank is a competent translator who respects meaning and style when translating. I personally recommend her to all those wanting to have a well finished and meticulous translation. I am grateful to her for translating my book Le parcours d'un coeur into English.” |
Short story: Manu
Sold at : Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Inscribe, Kobo, Scribd, Streetlib, Tolino and more.
Release Date: October 29, 2020
Author: Yves Patrick Beaulieu
ISBN: 9781393995302
Language: English
Words: 5,445
Location: Lower Saint Lawrence River, Quebec |
One autumn evening, a man in a small apartment near the Lower Saint Lawrence River becomes lost in a labyrinth of crazy and senseless ideas. A yellow cat is annoying him and there is also this voice that interferes and guides him. Is he friend or foe? When, how and where will this suffering end? Let's see where Manu leads us! |
“De toute beauté! Vous avez tout de suite vu le rythme et saisi le caractère du personnage principal! Merci beaucoup, continuez madame. Je suis vraiment content!”
“Exquisite! You immediately understood the rhythm and personality of the main character! Thank you very much. Keep going madame. I'm really happy!”
“Angela est une traductrice hors pair! Elle a tout de suite su le ton à donner au récit et ce, dès les premières pages de la nouvelle. Beau travail, vraiment. Merci beaucoup, madame Fairbank!”
“Angela is an outstanding translator! She immediately knew what tone to give my story from the very first pages of the novella. Wonderful work, truly. Thank you very much Ms Fairbank.” |
Completed and awaiting publication:
Heartquake by Sophie Rouzier is another travel-themed Romantic Comedy chick lit novel and the second installment of her story about Chantal. This time she's in Nepal.
Chantal has a peaceful, seamless life and a name that's not very glamorous. To spice up her daily routine, she takes comfort in books and dreams of adventure and romance. The only original thing about her is that she was born in Nepal and was adopted by a nice Alsatian couple. She hasn't seen her twin sister since the orphanage. They were separated at age two.
One day, however, she spies her on TV helping victims of the Nepalese earthquake. What a shock! Against all expectations, Chantal decides to fly to her country of origin and look for her. She ditches Louis, her lover, and her tidy life, and escapes her comfort zone. With Chantal, forget blueberry pie and taste momos, travel to Kathmandu and Pokhara, and hike the Annapurna mountain range without suffering from altitude sickness. This trip will wake her up and she'll surprise you.
In the midst of translating or editing:
The Writer's Eyes by Esteban Navarro Soriano is a detective novel. Recently retired police officer of the Spanish National Police, Moisés Guzmán has just purchased a small apartment in the town of Blanes, Catalonia, where he plans to spend his first summer as a pensioner. His neighbors - a young girl fleeing from her abusive father, a retired writer obsessed with finishing his last book, and a solitary man who's always with his dog - all live in the same apartment building. During his first week, a man dies inside his car after stopping at a traffic light in the former policeman's street. Although at first it appears to be an accident, it turns out to be a crime. Everything becomes more complicated when the Blanes Autonomous Police Squad zeroes in on his three new neighbors as possible culprits.
B. NONFICTION (Jump to Fiction)
1. Translation and Interpreting Quarterly Newsletter - as Editor and Writer of Articles
2. Business - as Editor
3. Law - as Translator or Editor
4. Agriculture | Timber Manufacturing | Forestry - as Compiler or Proofreader
5. Photography - as Photographer and Publisher
All rights reserved. Website © Angela Fairbank 2005-2025.
This page was last modified on February 13, 2025.